First Time in a Long Time

This past weekend I participated in a Summer Sale at Sweet Octavia's show room, along with Charlene Heyliger.  I hadn't done this in a long time and what a great fun we had.

Shoppers came, to shop, laugh, talk, model, and have a good time.

Lois models a 4ply silk patchwork dress

One of Charlene's woven tops.  This T shirt was woven with African fabric strips, some of the t shirts the the woven pieces would form a pocket.

Ashley wears a jersey patchwork skirt and white cotton top

Mother and Daughter Model Charlene's cotton hand screen tops

Mother and Daughter model Charlene's tops which are hand screen printed with a weaving patchwork of fabric strips that form a pocket.


Helen was deciding between the red or the orange top by Charlene.

World traveler Marlene decides on this cute little dress.

Ashley was the perfect model she looked great in everything.

It was a great 2 days and we are doing it again in October.


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