The VEDA calendar asks Are you a morning or a night person and why? I can't say either or I wake up early sometimes because I have to or because I want to. Then again I am up late because I have to or because I want to....tough call, but I made a movie about NYC Taxi ride.
On the 16th of April VEDA asks What is something you Love Mondays? Well I guess I am grateful to see another Monday...That's all I got, but here is what I did for VEDA 16.
What do I love most about my job? It's creative and sometimes you meet interesting people.
This video was my good friend who is a designer Douglas Says... The show was March 31st called Black Sheep. Douglas's annual show this year is always so well attended and fill with color and drama. I created a short video using a sketching program. You can find Douglas Says.... here