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Photo Assignments, I Made the cut

I love photography and stumbled Ted Forbes, when I was looking for more info on Vivian Maier.  Although his critique of Ms Maier was a bit prickly and I disagreed with some of it, I subscribed and have been hooked, (Videos 1, 2 , and 3 ). His videos are jam packed with inspiration and include new gear, technique, and a favorite of assignments.  Viewers participate in a bi-weekly photo assignment by posting them through Social Networks, which helps you push yourself a bit farther......creatively.  He then creates a video using the submissions......but OH BOY when your photos makes the's quite a compliment. This past assignment, which was photo sequences and I made the cut! You can enter...

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My Friend Lois

Lois made the bag she is wearing with a canvas on the cover that she purchased in Cuba, one of many trips around the world. Lois in her Jacket and dress by.....ME! Years ago, my friend Lois, brought back this fabric, this blue indigo fabric from the Sea Islands.  It was originally a bedspread.  Her request was a that it be made into a dress.  She reminded me it was at least 15 or more years ago. Fast forward December 2016, at an event we were both vending at, she loved the patchwork denim jacket her daughter purchased. Dawn in her Patchwork Jacket in December She put in an order for her patchwork denim jacket and made no special request. ...

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