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Black is Beautiful

Did you know where that phrase came from, Kwame Brathwaite.  On January 28, 1962, with his brother Elombe Brath, Brathwaite staged the Naturally '62 pageant, the first of a series of pageants to feature only black models. The 1962 pageant has the title The Original African Coiffure and Fashion Extravaganza Designed to Restore Our Racial Pride & Standards. Held at the Harlem Purple Manor, a nightclub on East 125th Street, it helped to popularize the phrase Black Is Beautiful that was printed on the pageant's poster. The Naturally pageants ran for five years, with the last one held in 1966. Wikipedia October 25th, 2022, the Lucie Awards Honored Kwame Brathwaite, with Achievements in Portraiture.

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