This year I set up a backdrop for shots of all the Trick or Treaters. Groups came in and I realized I needed a wider back drop....which I don't have, but it all worked in the end. A little history to Lindsay Park's Halloween parties. In the early years when my Mother and other elders would plann the parties, there would be cake (I remember going with my Mother to pick up the sheet cake). We didn't just have candy, we had food, costume contests....We had a great time. Then there were the years my Mother would take photos of the revelers in the lobby. After that she was in the lobby giving out the copies after going to Genovese...
Lindsay Park Oldtimers Day, always happens in Sternberg Park, which we always call The Big Park. Those who still live here and those who come back for the memories share the hugs and big love.
Basketball Tournaments
LP Oldtimers Day
April 22, VEDA asks What was the nicest thing someone's ever done for you? The list is long. It consists of a ride home when I needed a ride home, a hot cooked meal when I was hungry. I can't narrow it down to one thing, because I am so grateful, for all the kindness coming my way.....yeah it's sappy, but it's true.
I didn't make a video about that at all. I decided to do a time lapse and then added in what I am watching on a Sunday night. What do you watch Sunday Nights?
For years, here at Lindsay Park building #2, we had legendary New Years Eve Parties. Many of the neighbors, which is a diverse set, would all come downstairs and toast to a New Year. Each building (7 of them in all) would have their own parties in the community room. We felt that ours was the best! Over the years this practice changed and the Community Room fell silent for many years...until now.
For the past few years we were able to get that tradition back and share holders look forward to's safe, children friendly....and gives me an opportunity to practice my skills using Photoshop and Lightroom.